Friday, January 28, 2011

So before we get to the goals thing......

While we  read and work through the goal setting thing let’s work on growing your awareness, finding goals that you can achieve, and building off of those successes.

Be More Mindful with Your Food

Dieting and weight loss are HUGELY popular New Year’s resolutions and goals. But changing your diet without changing your mindset is ultimately pretty futile. Either that or the changes you get are temporary. Instead of trying to fit your body’s nutritional needs to someone else’s diet system how about, for now, learning about what your body actually needs?

Start with this simple goal:
Take one meal a day to be mindful of your food. That means eating slowly. Really savor the flavors. After eating, see how your body feels. Repeat this every day. You may start to be surprised at what foods are making you feel good and what don’t make you feel good. This alone will start to shift your relationship to your food and may create a natural weight-loss program according to what your body truly needs.

Take Up a New Exercise That’s Fun

Another really popular New Year’s resolution is to get fit. It goes hand-in-hand with the weight loss thing, but it usually means that people end up doing some really intense and excruciating exercises way two quickly and end up doing them for only three weeks and then totally burning out.
So, for now, choose something that is fun for you. If it’s fun, you’ll keep doing it. Every little bit counts! And if it’s fun, in many respects that’s aligning with what your body likes to do. There’s no doubt that if you’re really out of shape, everything will feel difficult initially. But when you find something that you genuinely enjoy (like swimming, for instance), it’s easier to
work through the hard parts. JUST KEEP SWIMMING!

The spiritual aspect of all this really is coming into alignment with what your body needs. At the moment his isn’t about achieving a body image. When you do that too soon, you’re enforcing an image upon yourself that probably isn’t true for who you are. There’s a whole level of pain just in doing that. There’s so much pain in trying to be what you’re not. So let that go. And just have fun. This is a learning stage you are learning what, where , when and how you want to be  the BEST you. Notice that word there? YOU.... not claudia schiffer.... YOU!

Remember to Sleep, Relax, and Turn Off the Engine

In our go-go-go society, you always feel like you have to be doing something. But that’s burning people out left and right. If you never stop to really let go and rest, you’re getting angrier, crankier, more frustrated, more tired, and more depressed every day. It's harder to SWIM through life. Your whole being needs to recharge. This is why ensuring that you have time for adequate sleep and relaxation is so important. If you’ve been holding off on taking vacation time, set a goal to take that time this year. Set a goal for at least 15 minutes a day of relaxation or meditation and YOU time. You could also set a goal for at least 8 hours of sleep. ( thats on my list this year- sleep at a good time for the RIGHT time) I know you’ve got a lot going on, but you aren’t serving your job, your family, or yourself any better if you’re always deprived.

Choose one or all of the above goals, while we are finding the rest of the YOU specific goals, and then keep a note ( if you have a blog - blog it out- if not grab a pad and just write away)  about how you’re feeling as you keep up those practices. Sure, not every day will be perfect, but it doesnt matter, over time, you may begin to feel more energy and more overall peace in life.

Friday's Goal Setting should be up and around at about 9am QLD time...

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