Friday, February 4, 2011

goal setting and evaluation day 2- TASKs and Our Visions

So its Friday, and its time for a little more thinking about our life. 

During the week we collected all our dreams.

And we've made our lists ..... hopefully.

It would be great if everything has a timeline and is chunked down into manageable for a weight loss goal whats your weekly goal loss?

But if you haven't had the time that's fine. I'm sure you could find 15 minutes over this weekend!

If you've just been slacking on your goal setting PLEAAAAAASE do it. It will help! and its only 30 mins of your life for potentially life long gains ;o)

The next step should be really easy to complete, and this step is tasks!

Tasks are what you need to do to get that smallest goal done!

So following on our eg.  to complete our goal of say 900g loss per week we need to do on a daily/ regular basis the following tasks
  1. Drink at least 2 L of water
  2. Increase veggie/fruit intake
  3. Walk more then 30 mins per day
  4. Use the gym 3x a week for cardio
  5. Do weights 2x per week
  6. Cut down sugars and fats
  7. Daily food diary to stay accountable
  8. Park the car further from the shop door at the opposite end from the shop we need
  9. find the hilly way to walk... if that's an option
  10. play more games with the kids eg. tiggy, trampoline, bike riding, wii boxing
IF you are feeling REALLY committed, type this list up in large type, print it out and put it somewhere you look at often.... tick off your daily list.

NOW that all the goal setting is finished --- YAY!
its time to make reminding us about our goals a fun thing to do ....... and pretty...... we cant forget pretty :oD

Remember those pictures and magazine images you've been keeping your eye on? mmmmm hmmm nows the time we use them! all we need is a bit of ......
Thats right we are making a Vision Board ..... or visual goal reminders.
Now there is a really long and complicated scientific reason but I'll keep it real simple and short on why they work.
Vision boards work like a subconscious  influence, a habit... you know how somewhere in the background under the kids, the tv, the jug boiling, you can hear water running 4 rooms over and it makes you desperately need to PEE?

Vision boards are like running taps the more you pass it the more you see it..... the more you need to pee to get your goals!
 Think, for a minute- if its applicable, about when you were planning your wedding. 
Didn't you collect pictures of everything you liked? all the different dresses, colours, flowers and hair and decorations? THAT is a vision board! and didnt you do everything you could to get all those things you liked into your wedding?

Ok SO.... what will you need? 

Nothing complicated. 

Its your choice whether you have it out in big poster form on view for the rest of your family to see as well (great for getting support on the way to your goals as everyone knows EXACTLY what your aiming for), or on a piece of paper that covers the image for this months calendar, or in a sheet that works as a bookmark for your diary, or as its own seperate journal that you can continue filling up.
Personally i'm making a computer wallpaper image.... and a big poster that is hanging on my ceiling over the head of my bed so i see it every morning. It makes me PEE (Personally Engage Everything)   I have to get to my goals.
The more often you can see it during the day the more you will have the urge to PEE to your Goals content!
and thats a good thing!

So what do we do? just plonk things anywhere?
Yeah if you want to. There are No rules to setting up a vision board.
My board is separated into goal areas, something like this....
.......because i personally like to take things like Feng Shui principals into account aswell.... each of those goal areas are in the 'correct' direction based on a bagua compass. ( hey i'm not saying you have to believe it works... i'm not entirely sure it does... but i'm not going to knock back any metaphysical Karma help i can get!)

Have a look at some of these vision boards......


Dream..... look for those images that speak to your soul..... go through your goal list and pick atleast one image/word to represent it on your board. Collect and play with your pictures!

Go for it!
Aim for the stars! Put your best life up for you to see everyday!

All up this should take you about 45minutes during the week.... maybe more... maybe less... if you get your kids to help you :oD

Lots of love my Skinny Dippers

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