Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Topic Tuesday 1--- What we say Vs what we mean.

What We Say Vs. What We Mean – Are Bad Words REALLY Bad?



Today’s topic: bad words. 


They say sticks and stones will break our bones but words can never hurt us? Is that really true?  

So can words be really good or bad?

We’re really, as society, very hypocritical on the subject.
We always say “it’s not what you say, it’s how you say it.” But really, that’s B.S. We teach people that curse words are bad. For example, you can’t drop an “F bomb” in church, or on YouTube. You can’t say “oh f*ck!” You can, of course, say “oh crap!” or “oh fudge!”

I mean, really, are we still trying to pretend there’s any difference here? Because there isn’t. The words, are of course, different, but the INTENTION is exactly the same. Both words have exactly the same emotions, thoughts and feelings behind them. In that respect, they’re completely identical, in terms of content that is.
If you use the “F word” and you’re angry, it’s bad. But if you use it during sex, it’s good. Heck, if you don’t look at your man and say “F me harder big boy!!” then it’s probably not going to be much fun for him. Same word, two completely different contexts, and very different levels of happiness!

Skinny- Dippers we argue that it it’s time to get rid of all the hypocrisy surrounding words.

Sticks and stones will break your bones, but words can cause lingering damage that never really heals. It’s not just an issue of political correctness any more. In the old days, if someone called you names on the playground you had a fight. These days if someone does that ( esspecially in the USA) you snap and grab an assault rifle.


Emotion and intention is the real issue in terms of language.

“Fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity.”
– George Carlin, 
George Carlin is famous in large part due to his “seven ‘dirty’ words you can’t say on television” routine. The basis of this routine is the hypocrisy surrounding language, as if just the words themselves cause the damage.

Yet anyone who’s ever watched a pre election campaign can see how our Political officials have taken curse-free hate-speech to the level of fine art. They never call each other any dirty word, yet what they say, if you actually take the time to listen to it, is far more offensive than any “F bomb”.


So going forward, Todays TOPIC TUESDAY TRAINING is to be really aware of your speech patterns as well as your internal dialogue.

One interesting thing to do is simply take an inventory.
For a week or so, write down every emotion you feel when you say something.
eg. "yeah i'm fine" but the other side of your brain says "not that you care" or "what do you want NOW"

Do this consistently and you can start to see a pattern.
Are you always happy? Sad? Depressed? Angry? Overjoyed?
You think you know, but do you really?
I can guarantee not until you see it all there in black and white. Most of us dont consciously "hear" those other people in our head but they are the ones that have the most effect on us and what we do and feel.
It’s kind of tedious to do, I admit, but just do it. You’ll be glad you did. I promise. Seriously. You believe Dory, right? Who wouldn’t trust that face?


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